Scheduled for OCT 8th.
Next Thursday... Seems so close.
I am not happy about it but the MRI does not lie.
It shows a definite bulge of a disc pushing on the nerve.
here are a couple of the images from the MRI with the different contrasts

According to the Dr, it is fairly severe. Looking at the images I think I can agree...
But on the good side, it is not as severe as the last time I had to have this done.
The bulge is in the middle of the disk so they cannot go in from one side this time.
They have to go from both sides to get at everything.
It will be open back and full on removal of the bulging material.
Dr. says there is plenty of disc left so that fusion will not be needed.
But I may loose another 1/4 inch.
Lost 1/2 an inch on the last surgery.
I am looking forward to being able to stand up straight again.
Also to not having pain in my legs anymore.
Also the Surgeon said it is rare for the disc to bulge out again like mine did.
But he did say it will be extremely unlikely for this to happen a third time.
During the procedure they are going to check the disc between the last vertebra and sacrum, as there was indication of swelling there also, but if it looks OK they will do nothing there.
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