Friday, October 9, 2009

Day after surgery.

Well I am in my room now the day after back surgery.I have very little pain in my legs now. I have some strange sensations as the nerves that have been shut down for a while are waking back up. I don't have very good balance yet but that will come as I get back used to walking straight up and down rather than leaning over at 2:30 angle.Dr says I may be able to go home Saturday or Sunday. All depends on how well I do over the rest of today.
Ok now the funny stuff.I told them that every time I have come out of anesthesia it has been sooner than they expect and I am a jerk and irritable.Well I woke up and started to pull out tubes and tried to get up. It took two nurses to hold me down. (they said I am very strong) After they got me settled down and resting they said I started singing. OK not so strange to have me singing.But it is what I was singing.
I sang "The Scotsman's Tale"
A song about a drunk Scotsman lying by the side of the road.and the two girls that find him and leave him a surprise.
of course i don't remember that.
I got up and walked a little this morning, then before lunch, I was able to walk around a great deal further. Now Mary and I have just finished lunch.And I thought I would put up an update.

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