Saturday, October 10, 2009

Home from the hospital

Had a rough night had to get up about 4 times to go to move around. Was having some tummy trouble from just laying there...
But then this morning I got to sleep in.
Mary came and picked me up about noon.
When I got home Mom and Dad were here, Mom had made some homemade tomato soup. It was very good. Mary made me a grilled cheese....
Grilled cheese and tomato soup just go together so well.
Marvin was working with Jordan to put in the new water heater. They needed a tool so were waiting for me to get home to tell them where it was.
I told them it was in the tool box they were using.
Dad said he hadn't looked there yet.
Now Marvin and Jordan are off getting fittings at Home Depot to finish up.
Mary is at the pharmicist picking up my perscriptions.
Phyllis has stepped out to go to the store for something or other she needs.
So here I sit. Just so happy to be home.
Now the dog is leaning on me. But now it doesn't hurt to have him lean.
So happy the leg pain is gone. I am still a little weak but that will pass over the next few weeks.
Thank you to everyone who has said a prayer for me.
I don't think I will be able to go on the Autism Speaks ride this year.
It is tomorrow. I am not supposed to drive for two weeks, so I guess Mary is going to drive over and pick up our kits. The donations have been made so we should still be able to get our kits for participating... hopefully.
Oh well.
Just happy to be home.

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