Sunday, April 14, 2024

This came to me when I heard of OJ's Death.

He wakes in a beautifully appointed office.
He realizes he is no longer suffering the pain.
He feels younger, stronger, and healthy.
He sits up and looks around

"Hello Orenthal James Simpson," says the receptionist.
“Welcome to eternity. We have been waiting for you.”

“Hello,” he glances around and back at the woman.
“Where am I? Am I dead?” He asks.

“Of course,” she answers picking up her clipboard, “your time has come to meet your reward. Please follow me.”

Her beautiful smile is very friendly and inviting. As they walk down the hallway she continues.
“Everyone comes through this office to be sorted. Where you spend eternity is based on how you lived your life. We have been following yours for quite a while.”

“So, where will I…?” He never finishes his question as she continues talking.

“Looking at what you have been through, there was such unfairness in how you were treated.”

He looks at her in surprise.

“You never really received what you were due in your life.” She looks up from her clipboard.
“It says here that you were found innocent. But you lost your career and respect in the eyes of many.”

He nods.

“Here we are,” she says, “please walk into this garden. This will be where you stay.”

He looks around.
It is the most wonderful garden he has ever seen, filled with flowers, well-manicured shrubbery, and a beautiful home.

He gasps as he looks around. “This is wonderful, I think I can handle this.”
He steps through the gate and starts walking to the house.
He turns back to thank her but she is gone.
The gate is gone.
There is only a tall brick wall.
He turns back and the house is gone. Just another brick wall.

The plants that were so beautiful before are all thorns and dripping poison.
He spins around again finding no exit.

Suddenly a Demon appears beside him.
Before he can think, it quickly slices his throat almost to the spine.

As he grabs his throat, the pain hits him and he falls to the ground. He can’t breathe.
The pain in his chest as his lungs scream for oxygen grows almost to the level of the pain in his throat.
He realizes he can’t pass out.
The pain will not stop.

He continues struggling to breathe as he glances up at the demon.

“Don’t worry Juice,” says the Demon, “you’ll heal up just in time for us to do that again.

And again.

And again.”

A look of horror comes over OJ’s face as the Demon laughs.
“Yes. Now you get the idea.”

The demon stands over him, watching, waiting, sharpening his blade, and laughing as he slowly fades from sight.

OJ realizes he will never see it coming.

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