Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blizzard 2011

Well we have received our first major snowfall of 2011. We have enough snow now to challenge our new snow blower!. The old one would never have been able to get through this.

I got up to let Dillinger out. only to find that this was out the back door.
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How we gonna open the door Dillinger?

Well I pushed it open as far as I could. Luckily the drift gave us about a foot from the door.
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Backyard Drift looking South

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And North…
Then I hooked him up and let him plow his own way through the snow.

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Not sure if it shows up but this path through the drift was dug by Dillinger. He was having a lot of fun. Then when it was time to come in he jumped and plowed his way back through the drift again.
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Then we started on the front yard.
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Yep. that is 17” outside my front door.
Time to start the plow!
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Plowing away!
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Still Plowing
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Hey I found the sidewalk… Jordan shovel in hand.
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Ethan with the other shovel.
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That is a 6 and 1/2 foot fence!
I plowed our driveway, Then Sandy’s, Then Megan’s, Then Peggy’s. Now it seems that the snow is taking a break.

Now just waiting for round two… supposed to Get flurries late this evening then again on Sunday.
It is now 11:00am and the snow plows have not been by yet…
Oh Well… Have a nice day everyone!

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