Thursday, April 29, 2010


Monday evening Dillinger was outside in the back yard enjoying the weather.

Suddenly he started straining against his chain to get to the gap in the deck by the basement window. I had a hard time pulling him back. He was growling, barking and snapping at the opening too narrow to get his face into it further than his nose. Something got him on the nose. He was bleeding a little bit.

Well next morning I look in the gap myself and what do I see?




and not far away … Mama keeping a watchful eye.

They are very cute kittens, but until she decides to move them, I cannot put Dillinger out the back yard. He is scratching up the wood trying to get at the kittens. I hope he just wants to play, but then again he only wanted to play with the possum, and Mr. Possum is not with us anymore. So now Dillinger is back in the front yard guarding the house.

Oh well…



At least she didn’t find a way to have them inside the house.

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