Sunday, December 13, 2009

Random Dillinger Shots.

Been a while since I posted...
Can't think of what to write about right now... so here are a few random picks of Dillinger.

Here is Dillinger Just chillin watching Mary cook supper.

Looks like he is saying... "Hey! My bowls are EMPTY!"

Here is Dillinger trying to stay warm

Brrrrrrrrr, we threw the blanket at him and he just curled up under it and stuck his nose out.

Here he is trying to ignore the camera

No Pictures Please... I Hate the paparatzi.

Here is my old dog just taking a nap with his Pooh Bear!

Pooh usually sits in the rocking chair next to Dillinger's blanket.
He fell off the chair sometime and Dill just used him as a pillow.
We thought it was funny how both of them had their heads tucked down.

This is actually the Pooh Bear that Ethan used to walk around with as a toddler.
He would hold Pooh by the ear and bounce him up and down like he was walking with him.
The ear has a worn spot where Ethan would hold onto him.
Wow I just thought about it and that means this Pooh Bear is about 18 or 19 years old!

Hope you enjoy these.
I will try to update you as to what has been going on with the rest of my family soon.

Have a nice day!

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