Let me see now.... have a lot to remember...
On Fathers day I received several gifts that I was extremely happy with and surprised!
I was given the third Prophecy movie (Christopher Walkin as the Angel Gabriel in this creepy series! now I have all three movies!)
The three books in the Bourne trilogy.
I am so looking forward to finishing reading them!
Also two music CDs from Trace Adkins!
I always liked his music but had never purchased a CD from him yet. I have them on my IPOD now and am very happy with them!
Yes. I am extremely happy with these gifts from my boys.
The Surprise I received from Mary, I received a Derby Cover for my Sportster!
This is something I pointed out to her and said that it would be the only type of change to the bike I would make... I had mentioned that a long time ago and I had completely forgotten about it. So this was a big Surprise!
This is how it looks on the bike!
I went for a long ride on Monday 29th. I was part of the Million Mile Ride! It is an annual event that many dealerships participate in. They host a ride and total up the mileage and add to the other dealerships totals to try to reach a minimum of 1 million miles.

This is just just a few of the bikes that went along.

This was the first stop in Wisconsin. This is where we all met up to make sure everyone was still together before we finished up the final leg of the trip.

Here are a few more of the bikes at the broken spoke while we were waiting for the rest of the riders.
They said last year that the total was over 5 million miles and this year rumor had it that there were more participating. I never did hear the total but the dealership I rode with had 40 bikes and we went over 100 miles up into Wisconsin. We were very near Madison.
We stopped at this restaurant Anchors Away on the Rock River

Very good food!
The bikes ranged from an old Honda shadow to a tricked out chopper!
Very interesting.

This is the chopper next to my sporty!
By the time I got home I had ridden over 225 miles. Some sites were taking longer rides, and had many more riders going. So total that up for all sites and it should add up great.
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