So instead we just did some shopping, grilling, I was in a draw down raffle, and we did some riding!
Friday and Saturday Mary and Raelynn held a garage sale at Raelynn's house. We did very well, Jordan and I both sold bicycles that we no longer use, Jordan sold several of his toy snakes and a few board games, Mary sold some old stamping supplies, and the old car amp and speaker we found in Ethan's car when we purchased it. We don't know if they were any good or not so we sold as is. Someone made an offer and they are gone.
We did well enough that we opened a new savings account for our vacation fund. We are going to put our extra money we get from Prez. Obama's stimulus into this account. Should be just about the right ammount for our next vacation!
During the garage sale, I was over at Heritage Harley Davidson for a charity draw down raffle.
Only 500 tickets were sold. Every 25th and 75th ticket would win a T-Shirt, Every 50th or 100th ticket would win $50.00 The 499th ticket would win $500.00 prize.
The last ticket drawn will be the winner! What to win? A Harley Davidson Heritage Softtail Classic!
Beautiful bike!
Well I was there sending Mary text updates of the status.
100 down still on the board!
150 down still on the board!
175 down still on the board!
200 down still on the board!
225 down still on the board!
250 down still on the board. They are taking a break, I made it past the 1/2 way point!
275 down still on the board!
300 down still on the board!
325 down still on the board!
350 down still on the board!
375 down still on the board!
Somewhere between there and 400 my number was pulled.
So I didn't get the new bike...
Oh well It was a lot of fun anyway!
Here are the winners!
(Picture from
Later Mary and I rode over to Westmont on the motorcycle and had dinner at J. Flemming's Absolutely Delicious.
It was a nice restaurant and they have an outdoor dining area between the buildings so we were able to eat outside. It was good.
Today we rode over to Ace Hardware to shop for some sanders and lawn adornments.
We also took the truck over to Menard's and purchased 4 new doors for our bedrooms and bathroom upstairs.
Very nice doors but I have to stain and varnish them before we put them in. We are going to pick up the stain next week and I will get started.
We purchased the molding for the doors and realized when we got home that we only purchased enough to do one side of the doors.... we will have to go get another 4 molding kits for these doors... Oh well, I was never all that good at math... LOL
Marvin said he would come up after the beans are in and teach us how to put in a new doorframe. Then he will supervise while the boys and I put them in to make sure we don't screw it up.
For supper we grilled!
Mary had a recipe for BBQ Chicken Packets from and she put them together.
I had received a gift of salmon fillets from my neighbor Bob. Bob is a very talented fisher. He has given me Tuna steaks from a tuna that he caught on one of his trips. He never comes back from a fishing trip without any fish. Usually enough to give away to the neighbors.
He told me to marinate in 7UP, so I did. I also had some McCormick Salmon Seasoning that I used. I placed the salmon in the grilling basket that I had purchased for the Tuna Steak.
We grilled the Chicken in the packets we made, and I grilled the Salmon all at the same time.
Everything turned out great! Wow! that Salmon was Sooooo Goooooood! MMmmmMMMmmMMMMMMmmm!
The Chicken packets had BBQ sauce on the chicken, topped with a pineapple slice (sorry Marvin) and a slice of green pepper. Those came out very good also. Mary gave me a taste of hers and it was like sweet and sour chicken, but grilled with a nice smokey taste!
Very good!
So for the rest of the week I have salmon fillets for lunch!
And Mary has Chicken!
I have set up my tractor sprinkler today. I know that there is supposed to be rain for the next few days, but the new grass down by the street was looking dry. We want that to keep growing. Plus I wanted to see my tractor go again. I just replaced the broken wheel on the front so now it will follow the hose unsupervised and will not go off track as often. It is almost done now, when it finishes I will have to put it away. That is a pain. picking up all that hose and coiling it back up. But that's OK. It is such nice weather today!
Have a good week everyone!